At Sunday - we’ve always been advocates of fun and play - of not taking ourselves too seriously - yet still backing up whatever we do with care and thoughtfulness. Like making a light beer, but doing it with the highest quality ingredients and using no adjuncts or fillers to cut corners.
It has also meant running our fun little beer company while still respecting our impact on the environment.
That’s why we are proud to be working with Climate Neutral, an independent non-profit organization, to measure and offset our carbon emissions through the purchase of carbon credits, and implement plans to reduce emissions moving forward.
Here are the projects we invested in to offset our 2020 emissions:
# Project 1: Cookstoves in Uganda
Many households in Uganda use wood-burning stoves, which contribute to local deforestation. Inefficient wood-burning stoves can also cause poor indoor air quality for households. The **Improved Cookstoves for Social Impact in Ugandan Communities** project strives to replace inefficient wood-burning stoves with more efficient Uga stoves. These stoves can reduce wood and charcoal burning by 50% and improve indoor air quality by reducing emissions. Additionally, switching to a more efficient stove can save families approximately 20% of annual income that otherwise would have been spent on fuel. The stoves also create benefits for local ecosystems by reducing deforestation and emissions associated with charcoal production.

# Project 2: Electric Vehicle Charging in the US
The goal of the Electric Vehicles Charger Premier Aggregation Project is to install electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure to support the national transition to widespread use of EVs in the United States. The project will support both light duty infrastructure (ideal for a personal EV) and heavy-duty charging stations for electric buses. Recognizing that a majority of greenhouse gas emissions are generated by the transportation and energy sectors, electric vehicles help displace traditional fossil fuel–burning vehicles used for passenger and freight transportation. In addition to reducing GHG emissions, this project could help improve local air quality in regions where the infrastructure is established.
# Project 3: Wind Energy in North Dakota
Renewable energy generation is a reliable solution to climate change because it helps displace our reliance on energy from fossil fuels. This project supports wind energy production near Minot, North Dakota, to reduce our dependence on traditional electricity sources. Renewable energy projects also contribute to local job creation.
# Project 4: Landfill Gas in Florida
The goal of this project is to prevent methane emissions from entering our atmosphere. This is important because methane emissions are roughly 30 times stronger than carbon dioxide emissions. According to the EPA, landfills are currently the third-largest contributor to anthropogenic methane emissions across the country. This project collects landfill gas from the Hernando County Northwest Landfill in Brooksville, Florida. The gas is converted into power that can fuel about 1000 local homes. This reduces dependence on additional fuel sources, and also prevents these landfill gases from entering the atmosphere.
# Project 5: Biogas Development in China
Many rural developing communities in Sichuan, China have inadequate waste management systems that create health problems and methane emissions for local communities. Biogas digesters are seen as a solution to this problem because they can convert organic waste into clean fuel and compost. In addition to reducing dependence on coal and wood burning, the digesters create healthy sanitation systems for local communities, and generate a good source of local nutrients for crops. The Sichuan Rural Poor-Household Biogas Development Programme also strives to support local economic development by hiring members of the community. Locals with the digesters can also sell their produced compost as an alternative source of income.
In addition to investing in these projects - we will continue to give 1% of all our revenue to environmental causes.
We hope this inspires others to join in investing in our shared future. We are by no means perfect, becoming Climate Neutral Certified is just one step in a constant effort to be better.
We’re excited to keep moving with you towards the future. Bringing good beer and good vibes in the most responsible way we can.
Sunday Beer Co.